Message from Founder

Hello and a personal welcome to the AFFINITY TEST SERVICE website from the
founder Mr.khoo keok leong

AFFINITY TEST SERVICE is an Asset Integrity Management & IRM service company
and by virtue of its services, keeps oilfield installations and oil logistic chains secure.
Providing refinery, offshore and onshore inspection, maintenance and audit and
commissioning services to contractors and operators globally.

AFFINITY TEST SERVICE has been at the forefront of inspection technology
developments in the oil & gas sector for more than 11 years and continues with the
development of the latest generation of technology. The platform provides a suite of
specialist services that span the life cycle of a range of assets and facilities, from the
planning and construction stage, reactivation and through all phases of operation and
maintenance, right until decommissioning.

Maintaining asset integrity at every stage of a facilities development and operation is
vital to ensuring productive and cost-controlled operations. This is essential in this new-
normal oil prices and demonstrates how technology-led supply chain companies like
AFFINITY TEST SERVICE are key to helping asset operators achieve this objective.

We demand of our inspectors the highest standards, we wish to provide you with the
most secure of services through outstanding inspections and preventative maintenance.
If we fall short, I want to know about it. In the meantime we look forward to us delivering
outstanding services to you.

Yours sincerely,
Mr.khoo keok leong

Managing Director

A singapore based entrepreneur, KHOO KEOK LEONG has always had an
insatiable appetite for starting up new businesses, providing magic beans to existing
ideas with others, as well as funding and supporting his own. KHOO KEOK LEONG
go and find his fortune, and started his first SINGAPORE based business, AFFINITY
TEST SERVICE in 2012 and has subsequently grown to provide services on three
continents Asia ,Africa south east asia ..

AFFINITY TEST SERVICE is without a doubt a market leader in the realm of
inspection of oil and gas assets. AFFINITY TEST SERVICE has always been
technologically innovative, burgeoning the need for AFFINITY TEST SERVICE to be
ahead of its competitors.

“AFFINITY TEST SERVICE is the genesis of what I have, and continue to achieve, it
is therefore special to me and I continue to invest time, effort and money in to it” says