Drops Inspection

The Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme (DROPS) is an industry-wide initiative focused on preventing dropped objects, with the ultimate goal of delivering a second nature dropped objects prevention strategy across our industry.

Within the oil and gas industry, everyone knows the potential cost of a dropped object. A thorough DROPS Inspection not only prevents equipment damage and lost production, it also saves lives. The problem is common across the industry, across all regions, sectors and disciplines.

We A-Star Testing & Inspection use experienced inspection personnel, trained specifically to identify and report the Dropped Object risks, implement corrective actions and develop an easy to use continuous inspection plan for the asset. These activities can be integrated into parallel work scopes to optimize the time spent in the area.

To raise awareness of potential dropped objects
To explore methods for the control and prevention of dropped objects
To recognize your personal responsibilities for the prevention of dropped objects
Eliminate injury to people and damage sustained to equipment due to dropped objects throughout Industry.
Ultimately to deliver a „second-nature‟dropped objects prevention strategy

“Any object that falls from its previous static position under its own weight“